суббота, 21 марта 2015 г.

Week 24
Date 16th of March - 23d of March
Topic - Home reading (Урок домашнього читання)

Hello, everybody!

Tinkers Island

In this book, the tell story of Sam Tinker and his daughter. Sam and daughter worked hard every day in the market. One never framed Sam that he stole his watch. And all the criminals were sent to slavery in Australia by boat Black Star. The girl went to the captain of the ship and had the Ned Bell - boy, and became assistant cook. After 6 months, she freed her father and they get to the island on which the house is built over time and will live and work, so it was until they took the ship Red Troyanda - Won sailed to America to start a new life.

I liked the story, the story of her daughter, which saved his father

Thank you for reading!

понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

Several times postponed visit to Zhitomir, although transit passed him and Nearby "small-town" Berdichev bus (even for poor quality Ukrainian roads that site - something special). And wanted to devote a whole day exploring the city. Finally a reason and found - in September Zhytomyr (or zhitomirtsy?) Mark the day of the city. Undoubtedly, any city for such a holiday is cleaner and more beautiful. We must definitely not miss this event! From Kiev to reach by car or by bus busom-half hours. Backbone route, not broken. Booth brings tourists directly to the center at Victory Square with the monument "Thirty." And in the evening at the monument "flocked" local bikers

Interested almost coming to the square red-brick house with a well, a very acute angle (that would be on the inside corner room look). Almost complete illusion flat 2D walls of the house is created, one has only to move one step to the left. I have this effect and learned intuitively, without knowing in advance and prepared a tourist "entry of" find the desired angle.

But this place dominates the elegant St. Cathedral of the Transfiguration. White mass with golden domes impressive from different angles. Inside the whole gigantic volume Orthodox Cathedral saturated attributes iconography of good style. Of course, I appreciate it without religious piety, but many believers prayed in the temple selflessly, spiritually enriching.

The day passed in the same breath, the festive mood Zhytomyr and apparently I passed on. Time to go home, in the comfort of Kiev

Hallmark of the city of Kiev - a monument of outstanding historical and political figures of the XVII century, the leader of the uprising Cossacks against the Commonwealth, Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Inaugurated on July 11, 1888 at the Sofia Square in celebration of the 900th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity. It is in this area in December 1648 the people of Kiev met Cossack regiments led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which came to Kiev after defeating the Polish gentry, and in January 1654 the city's population are met Russian ambassadors headed by boyar Buturlin after Pereyaslav Rada

The idea of ​​the monument occurred back in the 1840s and 1850s, but permission for the erection of the monument was obtained only in 1960, then began to develop the project. Long to decide where to put the monument. There have been proposals to establish a monument in front of the Golden Gate or university. One of the options under consideration was Bessarabia area, which at the time was called the area of ​​Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Still, the choice focused on the Sofia area

четверг, 12 февраля 2015 г.

The Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous American presidents. To be precise, he is the 16th president of the USA. Thanks to him the country successfully went through financial, military, moral and other types of crisis. He was also the person who put an end to the slavery. Hence, he was proclaimed the national hero of the American people. Lincoln made an enormous contribution to normal development and consequent modernization of the country. Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th of February 1809 in Hodgenville, state Kentucky, in a rather poor family. He was mostly self-educated. Later on, he managed to become a lawyer, then the leader of a Whig Party, and even a member of House of Representatives for a term. He became the president at the age of 51. Not everybody was happy at first when he was elected, but later he managed to make friends with some of his opponents in the government and was able to attract them to work towards common goals. According to social surveys Abraham Lincoln still remains one of the best and most beloved presidents of America, while during the presidency he was often subjected to severe criticism. Lincoln has become the first American president who was assassinated. On the April 14th 1865 Lincoln was fatally shot in a theater. Nowadays, in honour of Abraham Lincoln there is a great memorial, located in the heart of Washington. The memorial also symbolizes the faith of the president that all people should be free. The building is supported by 36 columns, which is the number of states at the time of Lincoln's presidency

среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Date- 26th of January - 2nd of February
Topic: Commented on: Money. Countable and uncountable nouns

Hello , everybody!

This week on online lesson topic about money and Сountable and uncountable nouns. they talked about wishes, very interesting and relevant topic because we have to, Yes, we should help those who need it, even not always money, but also caring, kind word and not only...

Today we had a lesson face-to-face. as always it was very interesting and informative topic about 'questions and suggestions'!

and more...
This week special difficulties in the study of topics not least!

Thank you for reading!

среда, 21 января 2015 г.

Week 16.
Date- 19th-25th of January
Topic: Entertaining + Martin Luther King

Hello, everybody!

Monday on online lesson topic about Martin Luther King! It was very intersting. He lived in Atlanta, Georgia, he advocated equal rights for black and white people. he was also the pastor of the Baptist church - if very briefly. he was a brilliant fighter for the rights of blacks in the United States, discrimination and segregation. that segregation - a topic close to people with disabilities, and we also need to deal with it!

Wednesday we had a class face-to-face, in this lesson we congratulate our teacher on past holidays! Study subject was - a future time, it was interesting and informative =)

and more ...
On Monday tried to engage in 20 minutes per group, so I liked the idea that everyone can take part

Thank you for reading!

среда, 14 января 2015 г.

Hello! It is a first my blog! My name is Viktor. I from is Kyiv. I  very frindly and communicate. I am a third year learn at the University "Ukraine", specialty Programmer. Thanks to English I can communicate with many people on different continents without barriers!